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4月 23 2020

Helping 9,000 people harvesting water for Raramuri communities

Posted by TC Energy


其中之一 Raramuri families benefited from the water harvesting program.

Access to water is a basic Human Right and, most of us take it for granted, 然而, for indigenous communities in northern Mexico that is not the case.

几十年来,为奇瓦瓦山区的这些社区提供饮用水一直是一项严峻的挑战. 极端的温度——夏季高达40°C(104°F)——以及该地区的沙漠条件每年都会导致该州严重的干旱. 由于缺乏向受缺水影响的小型社区供水的基础设施,这些情况更加恶化.

The Tarahumaras, or Raramuris, as they are known in their language, 是居住在奇瓦瓦州峡谷和山脉中的土著人吗. They depend on rainfall for the water they require, and if none comes, they must embark on long walks of over 15 kilometres (9 mi.) across rugged landscapes to reach the vital resource.

正是在塔拉乌马拉人的土地上,我们的560公里长(348英里)的几个部分.) gas pipeline El Encino - Topolobampo 交叉和直接影响和影响受这些水资源短缺影响的社区.



After taking the training sessions, 人们在Mogótavo参与安装集水系统, 吉娃娃.

Committing to the development of strong communities where we live, 工作和操作, TC Energía和奇瓦瓦州于2018年签署了一项协议,制定1个项目的建设计划,830个收集水系统和35个收集水系统,共同投资58美元.100万比索(4美元).100万加元,2美元.8 m美元). This program will benefit around 2,450 indigenous families and 9,000 people that do not currently have access to regular drinking water.

我们公司的目标是对我们生活和工作的社区产生积极的影响. 我们希望雨水收集项目将成为一项改变生活的举措,使拉穆里社区受益,并加强我们与他们的关系.”

President, TC Energia

实施阶段始于2019年,民间社会组织开始为拉穆里社区提供安装供水系统所需的所有技术支持和培训. 这些组织多年来一直在这些社区开展工作,并开发了自己与土著社区接触的模式, respecting the communities’ ideologies, cultures and traditions.

“By developing these joint initiatives with the State Government, TC Energía加强了我们与当地利益相关者建立牢固关系的方式,同时将我们的公司价值观和企业责任标准作为核心.”, TC Energía的利益相关者和政府关系总监Carlos Borunda说.

By the end of this program, the Raramuri families will not only have access to water, but also vastly improve the quality of their own lives. 人们期望,该项目将有助于减少因饮用受污染的水而导致的疾病数量,并为这些社区提供积极的改变生活的基础设施.

Javier Corral, the Governor of 吉娃娃, had this to say: “我们感谢TC Energía围绕Topolobampo管道进行的社会投资,这对我们国家非常重要. 我们正在执行一项恢复土著社区的综合项目,这是我们在奇瓦瓦山区的优先事项.”
